Saturday, March 15, 2014

Nicaragua...My New Home

Greetings everyone! I am definitely excited about being a Peace Corps Volunteer especially since it has been a VERY long application process. On August 15, 2013, I applied to the Peace Corps knowing that deep down in my heart it was something that I wanted to do. That wasn't always the case however. I heard about the Peace Corps through my Study Abroad adviser on the campus of Clark Atlanta University since he was a RPCV (and I felt like he was just trying to recruit). It wasnt until I experienced the freedom (for lack of a better word) of being in another country that I began to consider such a opportunity.

For those of you lovely people who don't know, I studied abroad in Ecuador for 4 months and lived with a host family while going to class (Statistics, Microeconomics, International Marketing, and 2 Spanish Language Courses) and teaching English at a local primary school called Casa Cuna. I would never change this opportunity nor the awesome FRIENDS that I still keep in touch with from Canada, Australia, Belgium, and Mexico!  It has truly made me more of an amazing woman and I look forward to Teaching English to high school students in Nicaragua.

I will also post a timeline and a few videos that have kept me on the edge of my seat as I learn about the Nicaraguan culture and my primary assignment!!!
Check this one out!