It has felt like years since I have written in my blog. So many things have happened since my last semester of college. On March 10th I received my official Peace Corps invitation via email just DAYS after meeting the Director of Placement Nicholas Bassey, who is an awesome alumni of Morehouse College. (In my head, I’m sure he had something to do with speeding up the nomination process after my email thanking him for taking the time to come out to the exceptionally small, not to mention cozy Peace Corps event.
This is my email convo with Mr. Bassey:
From: Kimberly Scott []
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 6:04 PM
To: Bassey, Nicholas
Subject: Peace Corps Nominee
"Greetings Mr. Bassey,
I hope this message finds you well. It was a pleasure meeting you during the Peace Corps Week Celebration at the Bank of America Leadership Building at Morehouse College. I am currently a graduating Senior at Clark Atlanta University with a major in Business Marketing and Minor in Spanish (with an education background).
Interacting with PCV Christian Perry was truly an added inspiration as I await embarking upon a life changing experience with the Peace Corps. I have been nominated to Nicaragua as a TEFOL instructor and hope to infuse youth development and health extension secondary projects if I am placed in this beautiful host country to serve (fingers crossed ).
I am communicating this email to show my appreciation for your time, enthusiasm, and most of all your willingness to give back to a community in which you were able to socially and academically grow. Through the Peace Corps, I aspire to do the same for the Atlanta University Center. Is it possible that I may maintain communication with you or ask if you can refer a RPCV for mentor to me? Thank you and I look forward to speaking with your shortly.
Kimberly Scott
Candidate Number : XXXXXXXXX”
It was a pleasure meeting you as well. I always get excited about connecting AUC students to dynamic opportunities, so I’m glad that the event was meaningful for you. I would be glad to keep in touch with you as you embark upon your Peace Corps journey.
I’m sure that I can find an RPCV mentor for you. Erika (the recruiter who was one of our first speakers) is a Spelman alumna. Do you know her already?
Nicholas M. Bassey,
Director of Placement
Peace Corps
1111 20th St. NW, Washington DC 20526
Voice: 202-692-1896
Fax: 202-692-1801
(In short, Im sure he pulled a few strings…networking and reaching out is the best!)
Any who, I was having an okay semester but truthfully I was worried about my Business Finance class because EVERYONE was failing. I mean, this particular class has a 50 percentile passing rate so you can clearly imagine how the seniors in the class felt. I think the highest that I have ever gotten on a test was a 56% and the lowest was a 9% LOL. I look back and laugh now, however, I definitely hustled to class 20 minutes early, sat in the first row, and actively participated in class every time, trying not to frantically throw myself on the floor due to my confusion and frustrations. Needless to say I passed with a “C” average and learned the valuable lesson that everything that you do counts toward your goal…just stay consistent, tenacious, and positive.
Graduation was a complete success and surprisingly it didn’t rain! Unfortunately for Spelman and Morehouse Colleges graduation commencement it poured all weekend…I couldnt imagine my hair from sitting under a poncho for four hours smh. I am soo glad I was able to spend time with my mom and mentor (Ms. BJ) as well as friends! It’s a shame I haven’t seen my mom since my Ecuador trip (two years!) but I guess God prepares us for our journey in every way because Nicaragua is right around the corner.

(My mom and I.....Clark Atlanta University Mom!)
( A special someone)
(My beautiful Sorors to my right!)
Speaking of Nica I recently turned in all of my paperwork for my medical clearance….Physical Exams: Weight, Height, Eye Exam, Pelvic & Genitalia Exam, Polio Shot, TB Shot, Chicken pox verification, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen ($72), Dental Exams and X Rays ($158…in counting) ----OKAY, ya see where Im going?? This stuff is expensive and thankfully I’m a healthy human being because I couldn’t imagine only being reimbursed $60 or $165 for a few trips to the doctor that cost over $500. Furthermore, I still need to post a few more things on my Medical Portal for GYN Exam, Dental Plan, and Hepatitis B surface Antigen which comes back hopefully no later than Monday…the same date as my GYN Exam… I know, I know TMI….but I’m sure Ill be sharing more excitingly disgusting things along the way and during my travels.
Ill let you guys know how my Medical Clearance goes….I should be cleared within the next week or so and then off to figuring out what to pack! Any suggestions are welcome! Love ya!