Septiembre 14, 2014

flowed.The last few days of training has been a smooth sail as I got
closer to my training site mates as well as well the TEFLeros before swearing
in ceremony. Despite being sick for three days from eating a burrito after our
nocturnal rendezvous, I am much better and can proudly say that now we are officially
Peace Corp Volunteers AND I am officially a member of the Gutierrez family! The
day before I left my training site, my
host aunt tells me “Ahora voz sos Kimberly Gutierez!” (Now you are Kimberly
Guitierez). Apparently my host mother did not want to have a despidida for me
or a “going away” party because she says she ¨knows I’m going to come back.¨
She’s correct. I will indeed be traveling back to Masaya to see my training
family for the end of the year celebration to spend time with them for a few
days or five.

Toward the evening I was able to relax a bit after putting
my things away. My host sister called me outside so that I could meet her
teenage friends which were full of energy and of course…jokes. After breaking
the ice, they seemed to have let their guard down with me enough to ask for my
help on a Christmas project they had been preparing to have for the impoverished
children that lived on the outskirts of the 26 communities that resided around
Cusmapa (my town)…some as far as 4 hours away. These four teens (Los Divinos
NiƱos de Jesus) want to create an annual Christmas project that will teach
children of the community about the story of Jesus Christ, involve them in
various outdoor activities, feed them lunch for free, provide
care packages and distribute gently used toys as their Christmas presents. These
students completely blew my mind with their creative ideas, they just needed a
little push with organization and implementation which is where I am,
fortunately, able to help. Stay tuned.
-Signed Newbie